17 Aralık 2010
Fantastical Queens
Hailing from Switzerland, Alex Gertschen and Felix Meier create imaginative, surreal worlds. It is their conscious decision to build sceneries in real terms and not on computer screens. Thanks to the realistic backgrounds, their pictures never give the impression of being artificial, but instead look vibrant and playful. In their most recent work, "Thirteen Queens," a universe is presided over by fantastical queens.
İlgi Uyandıran Heykeller
10 Wickedly Cool Sculptures
For today's compilation post, I decided to put together some of my favorite sculptures. These ten have been chosen because they each possess a slightly dark feeling. I call them wickedly cool and though some lean more towards cool than wicked, they're all meant to give you a lasting memory and even, perhaps, a few goosebumps.
Crack The Whip
A sweet cemetery sculpture gets a bit creepy when an anonymous person places birthday party hats on their heads and brightly colored beads around their necks. This grouping of sculptures, by J. Seward Johnson, bring back memories of childhood days, and is one of the many focal points in the cemetery.
Photo credit: Blooms n' Twigs
The Awakening
J. Seward Johnson also created The Awakening, a 100-foot statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself. The statue consists of five separate aluminum pieces buried in the ground, giving the impression of a panicked giant trying to pull himself to the surface.
American Merchant Mariners' Memorial
The memorial, designed by artist Marisol, was based on a true event during World War II, in which a Nazi U-boat attacked an American merchant marine vessel. While the marines held on to their sinking vessel, the Nazis photographed the victims, then left. The memorial is directly inspired by one of those photographs.
What You See Might Not Be Real
Chen Wenling's sculpture shows a bull, meant to represent Wall Street, seen ramming the biggest con man of all time, Bernie Madoff, into a wall. The huge cloud coming out of the bull's rear not only refers to the end of a greedy era, but also symbolizes the danger of virtual bubbles in international financial markets.
Melting Ice Cream Truck
Orest Keywan won $30,000 for the Sulpture by the Sea prize in 2006. Constructed with steel, stainless steel, sandstone and limestone, the piece evokes memories of shifting landscapes. Also a reference to global warming? Perhaps.
Sayaka Kajita Ganz created these wild horse sculptures from trash-picked objects like plastic utensils, toys, and metals. She says, "By building these sculptures I try to understand the human relationships that surround me. It is a way for me to contemplate and remind myself that even if there is conflict right now, there is a way for all the pieces to fit together."
Though the jury's still out as to whether this sculpture by Neil Dawson is in fact an optical illusion sculpture or a hoax, we're going with the former. The sculpture almost makes us feel as if we're living in a cartoon world.
Like a creature escaping from a nightmare, or a larger-than-life embodiment of a secret childhood fear, the giant spider Maman casts a powerful physical and psychological shadow. Over 30 feet high, the mammoth sculpture is one of the most ambitious undertakings in the long career of Louse Bourgeois.
Device to Root out Evil
Dennis Oppenheim created this upside-down church made of galvanized structural steel, anodized perforated aluminum, transparent red Venetian glass, and concrete. Balancing on its steeple, the church is meant to look like it has been lifted by a terrific force and brought to the site as a method of rooting out evil forces.
Photo credit: darian_marcus
Marc Quinn's Self is a reproduction of the British artist's head composed of nine pints of his own frozen blood. It's Quinn's signature piece in the art world and it took him over a period of 5 months to complete. Can you say bloody brilliant?
Crack The Whip
A sweet cemetery sculpture gets a bit creepy when an anonymous person places birthday party hats on their heads and brightly colored beads around their necks. This grouping of sculptures, by J. Seward Johnson, bring back memories of childhood days, and is one of the many focal points in the cemetery.
Photo credit: Blooms n' Twigs
The Awakening
J. Seward Johnson also created The Awakening, a 100-foot statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself. The statue consists of five separate aluminum pieces buried in the ground, giving the impression of a panicked giant trying to pull himself to the surface.
American Merchant Mariners' Memorial
The memorial, designed by artist Marisol, was based on a true event during World War II, in which a Nazi U-boat attacked an American merchant marine vessel. While the marines held on to their sinking vessel, the Nazis photographed the victims, then left. The memorial is directly inspired by one of those photographs.
What You See Might Not Be Real
Chen Wenling's sculpture shows a bull, meant to represent Wall Street, seen ramming the biggest con man of all time, Bernie Madoff, into a wall. The huge cloud coming out of the bull's rear not only refers to the end of a greedy era, but also symbolizes the danger of virtual bubbles in international financial markets.
Melting Ice Cream Truck
Orest Keywan won $30,000 for the Sulpture by the Sea prize in 2006. Constructed with steel, stainless steel, sandstone and limestone, the piece evokes memories of shifting landscapes. Also a reference to global warming? Perhaps.
Sayaka Kajita Ganz created these wild horse sculptures from trash-picked objects like plastic utensils, toys, and metals. She says, "By building these sculptures I try to understand the human relationships that surround me. It is a way for me to contemplate and remind myself that even if there is conflict right now, there is a way for all the pieces to fit together."
Though the jury's still out as to whether this sculpture by Neil Dawson is in fact an optical illusion sculpture or a hoax, we're going with the former. The sculpture almost makes us feel as if we're living in a cartoon world.
Like a creature escaping from a nightmare, or a larger-than-life embodiment of a secret childhood fear, the giant spider Maman casts a powerful physical and psychological shadow. Over 30 feet high, the mammoth sculpture is one of the most ambitious undertakings in the long career of Louse Bourgeois.
Device to Root out Evil
Dennis Oppenheim created this upside-down church made of galvanized structural steel, anodized perforated aluminum, transparent red Venetian glass, and concrete. Balancing on its steeple, the church is meant to look like it has been lifted by a terrific force and brought to the site as a method of rooting out evil forces.
Photo credit: darian_marcus
Marc Quinn's Self is a reproduction of the British artist's head composed of nine pints of his own frozen blood. It's Quinn's signature piece in the art world and it took him over a period of 5 months to complete. Can you say bloody brilliant?
14 Aralık 2010
Sinema tarihinin önemli filmleri
Liste 1:
2001: Bir Uzay Macerası (2001: A Space Odyssey) Stanley Kubrick |
8 1/2 Federico Fellini |
Aguirre, Tanrının Gazabı (Aguirre, The Wrath of God) Werner Herzog |
Almanya Sıfır Yılı (Germany Year Zero) Roberto Rosselini |
Alphaville Jean Luc Godard |
Ana ve Oğul (Mother and Son) Alexander Sokurov |
Andrei Rublev Andrei Tarkovsky |
Arı Kovanının Ruhu (Spirit of the Beehive) Victor Erice |
Aşk Zamanı (In the Mood for Love) Wong Kar-wai |
Ayna (Zerkalo) Andrei Tarkovsky |
Batan Güneş (L'Eclisse) Michelangelo Antonioni |
Berlin Alexanderplatz Rainer Werner Fassbinder |
Berlin Üzerinde Gökyüzü (Wings of Desire) Wim Wenders |
Bir Ardıç Kuşu Yaşadı (There Lived a Singing Blackbird) Otar Iosseliani |
Bir Taşra Papazının Güncesi (Diary of a Country Priest) Robert Bresson |
Burjuvazinin Gizli Çekiciliği (Discrete Charm of Bourgeoisie) Luis Bunuel |
Büyük Aldanış (La Grande Illusion) Jean Renoir |
Caravaggio Derek Jarman |
Cennet Çocukları (Children of Heaven) Mecid Mecidi |
Contempt Jean Luc Godard |
Çığlıklar ve Fısıltılar (Cries and Whispers) Ingmar Bergman |
Dava (Trial) Orson Welles |
Days of Eclipse Alexander Sokurov |
Dead Man Jim Jarmusch |
Dekalog Krzysztof Kieslowski |
Fanny ve Alexander Ingmar Bergman |
Gabbeh Muhsin Makmalbaf |
Gece (La Notte) Michelangelo Antonioni |
Gezgin Oyuncular (Travelling Players) Theo Angelopoulos |
Gölgeler (Shadows) John Cassavetes |
Hiroşima Sevgilim (Hiroshima Mon Amour) Alain Resnais |
Hitler: A Film From Germany Hans Jurgen Syberberg |
Ikiru Akira Kurosawa |
Ivan'ın Çocukluğu (Ivan's Childhood) Andrei Tarkovsky |
İlkbahar, Yaz, Sonbahar, Kış…ve Yine İlkbahar Kim Ki-Duk |
Jean D'arc'ın Tutkusu (Passion of Joan of Arc) Carl Theodor Dreyer |
Jules ve Jim (Jules and Jim) François Truffaut |
Kış Işığı (Winter Light) Ingmar Bergman |
Kızıl Mezmur (Red Psalm) Miklos Jancso |
Kirazın Tadı (Taste of Cherry) Abbas Kiyarüstemi |
Korkunç Ivan Sergei Eisenstein |
Kumlardaki Kadın (Woman in the Dunes) Hiroshi Teshigahara |
Kurban (Offret) Andrei Tarkovsky |
Küller ve Elmaslar (Ashes and Diamonds) Andrzej Wajda |
Macera (L'Avventura) Michelangelo Antonioni |
Matta'ya Göre İncil (Gospel According to Saint Matthew) Pier Paolo Pasolini |
Metropolis Fritz Lang |
Miky Way Luis Bunuel |
Modern Zamanlar (Modern Times) Charles Chaplin |
Mothlight Stan Brakhage |
Mouchette Robert Bresson |
Narayama Türküsü (Ballad of Narayama) Shohei Imamura |
Nefes Nefese (Breathless) Jean Luc Godard |
Nehir (River) Tsai Ming-liang |
Nostalghia Andrei Tarkovsky |
Oedipus Rex Pier Paolo Pasolini |
Oharu'nun Yaşamı (Life of Oharu) Kenji Mizoguchi |
Orpheus Jean Cocteau |
Otomatik Portakal (Clockwork Orange) Stanley Kubrick |
Oyunun Kuralı (Rules of the Game) Jean Renoir |
Özgürlüğün Hayaleti (Phantom of Liberty) Luis Bunuel |
Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray |
Persona Ingmar Bergman |
Qatsi Üçlemesi (Koyaanisqats, Powaqqatsi, Naqoyqatsi) Godfrey Reggio |
Ran Akira Kurosawa |
Rashomon Akira Kurosawa |
Rastgele Balthazar (Au Hasard Balthasar) Robert Bresson |
Red Sorghum Zhang Yimou |
Renk Üçlemesi: Mavi, Beyaz, Kırmızı (Colour Trilogy) Krzysztof Kieslowski |
Ruhların Kaçışı (Spirited Away) Hayao Miyazaki |
Sayat Nova (Colour of Pomegranates) Sergei Paradjanov |
Second Circle Alexander Sokurov |
Sessizlik (Silence) Ingmar Bergman |
Sisli Manzaralar (Landscape in the Mist) Theo Angelopoulos |
Solaris Andrei Tarkovsky |
Söz (Ordet) Carl Theodor Dreyer |
Stalker Andrei Tarkovsky |
Sunless (Sans Soleil) Chris Marker |
Tokyo Hikayesi (Tokyo Story) Yosujiro Ozu |
Tommy Ken Russell |
Toprak (Earth) Aleksandr Dovzhenko |
Touch of Evil Orson Welles |
Ulysses' Gaze Theo Angelopoulos |
Unutulmuş Atalarımızın Gölgeleri (Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors) Sergei Paradjanov |
Uzak Nuri Bilge Ceylan |
Venedik'te Ölüm (Death in Venice) Luchino Visconti |
Werckmeister Harmonies Bela Tarr |
Winterreise David Alden |
Yaban Çilekleri (Wild Strawberries) Ingmar Bergman |
Yağmurdan Önce (Before the Rain) Milcho Manchevski |
Yağmurdan Sonraki Soluk Ayın Öyküsü (Ugetsu Monogatari) Kenji Mizoguchi |
Yankesici (Pickpocket) Robert Bresson |
Yaşamak Zamanı, Ölmek Zamanı (Time to Live, Time to Die) Hou Hsiao-Hsien |
Yazgı Zeki Demirkubuz |
Yedi Samuray (Seven Samurai) Akira Kurosawa |
Yedinci Kıta (Seventh Continent) Michael Haneke |
Yedinci Mühür (Seventh Seal) Ingmar Bergman |
Yi Yi : A One and a Two Edward Yang |
Yumurta Semih Kaplanoğlu |
Yurttaş Kane (Citizen Kane) Orson Welles |
Liste 2:
3 Kadın (3 Women) Robert Altman |
400 Darbe (400 Blows) François Truffaut |
5′ten 7′ye Cleo(Cleo from 5 to 7) Agnes Varda |
A Ay Reha Erdem |
Accatone Pier Paolo Pasolini |
Alexander Nevsky Sergei Eisenstein |
Ali: Korku Ruhu Kemirir (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul) R. W. Fassbinder |
Alice Şehirlerde (Alice in the Cities) Wim Wenders |
Amarcord Federico Fellini |
Annie Hall Woody Allen |
Aparajito Satyajit Ray |
Ariel Aki Karusmaki |
Askerin Türküsü (Ballad of a Soldier) Grigori Chukhrai |
Atlantic City Louis Malle |
Baba F. Ford Coppola |
Baba ve Oğul (Father and Son) Alexander Sokurov |
Bahçe (Garden) Derek Jarman |
Başkasının Yüzü (Face of Another) Hiroshi Teshigahara |
Beauty and the Beast Jean Cocteau |
Bir İdam Mahkumu Kaçtı (A Man Escaped) Robert Bresson |
Bir Sarışının Aşkları (Loves of a Blonde) Milos Forman |
Bisiklet Hırsızları (Bicycle Thieves) Vittorio De Sica |
Blade Runner Ridley Scott |
Burmese Harp Kon Ichikawa |
Büyük Diktatör (Great Dictator) Charles Chaplin |
Cennet Günleri (Days of Heaven) Terrence Malick |
Cezayir Savaşı (Battle of Algiers) Gillo Pontecorvo |
Christ Stopped at Eboli Francesco Rosi |
Conformist Bernardo Bertolucci |
Cranes Are Flying Michail Kalatazov |
Çıplak (Naked) Mike Leigh |
Çölün Simon'u (Simon of the Desert) Luis Bunuel |
Dalgaları Aşmak (Breaking the Waves) Lars von Trier |
Deliverence John Boorman |
Dilek Ağacı (Wishing Tree) Tenghiz Abüladze |
Doctor Jivago (Doktor Zhivago) David Lean |
Dr. Caligari'nin Muayenehanesi ( Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) Robert Wiene |
Dünyanın Bütün Sabahları (Alla the Mornings of the World) Alain Corneau |
Elektra, Aşkım (Electra, My Love) Miklos Jancso |
Endülüs Köpeği L. Bunuel - S. Dali |
Esther Amos Gitai |
Europe Europe Agnieszka Holland |
Fahrenheit 451 François Truffaut |
Farewell My Concubine Chen Keige |
Fargo Coen Kardeşler |
Faust F.W. Murnau |
Faust Jean Swankmajer |
Geçen Yıl Marienbad'da(Last Year in Marienbad) Alain Resnais |
Gel ve Gör (Come and See) Elem Klimov |
Goodbye Dragon Inn Tsai Ming-liang |
Goodbye South Goodbye Hou Hsiao-Hsien |
Illumination Krzysztof Zanussi |
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels Chantal Akerman |
Kafka Steven Soderbergh |
Kayıp Otoban (Lost Highway) David Lynch |
Kerkenes (Kes) Ken Loach |
Kıyamet (Apocalypse Now) Francis Ford Coppola |
Köprüüstü Aşıkları (Lovers on the Bridge) Leos Carax |
Kral Lear (King Lear) Jean Luc Godard |
Kwaidan Masaki Kobayashi |
La Jetee Chris Marker |
L'Atalante Jean Vigo |
Life on a String Chen Keige |
M Fritz Lang |
Macbeth Roman Polanski |
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance John Ford |
Masamdaki Melek (An Angel at My Table) Jane Campion |
Meshes of the Afternoon Maya Deren |
My Night at Maud's Eric Rohmer |
Narayama Türküsü (Ballad of Narayama) Keisuke Kinoshita |
Nazarin Luis Bunuel |
On the Waterfront Elia Kazan |
Papatyalar Vera Chitilova |
Paris, Teksas (Paris, Texas) Wim Wenders |
Pi Darren Aranofsky |
Pierrot le Feu Jean Luc Godard |
Playtime Jacques Tati |
Raise the Red Lantern Zhang Yimou |
Roma: Açık Şehir (Open City: Rome) Roberto Rosselini |
Ruhların Julliettası (Juliet of the Spirits) Federico Fellini |
Satantango Bela Tarr |
Savaş ve Barış (War and the Peace) Sergei Bondarchuk |
Scorpio Rising Kenneth Anger |
Sıkı Denetlenen Trenler (Closely Wathched Trains) Jiri Menzel |
Sibiryalı Lady Macbeth (Siberian Lady Macbeth) Andrzej Wajda |
Siyam Balığı (Rumble Fish) Francis Ford Coppola |
Sonsuzluk ve Bir Gün (Eternity and a Day) Theo Angelopoulos |
Sunrise F.W. Murnau |
Sweet Hereafter Atom Egoyan |
Şairin Kanı (Blood of a Poet) Jean Cocteau |
Throne of Blood (Macbeth) Akira Kurosawa |
Tiksinti (Repulsion) Roman Polanski |
Time Regained Raul Ruiz |
Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano Nikita Mikhalkov |
Utanç (Shame) Ingmar Bergman |
Vertigo Alfred Hitchcock |
Walkabout Nicholas Roeg |
Weekend Jean Luc Godard |
Women in Love Ken Russell |
Yalnız Yatmak İstemiyorum (I Don't want to sleep alone) Tsai Ming Liang |
Yüzler (Faces) John Cassavettes |
10 Aralık 2010
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