Interesting Bus-Stops around the World
Bus-Stop in Dubai

Probably the most advanced bus-stop on this list – fully enclosed with air conditioning. It stands near Burj al Arab and Wild Wadi (water theme park).
Classic Car and bus stop in Havana

I like those old massive works like this bus-stop. Taken from cab window : 50’s car with original 1930’s bus-stop behind.
Bus-Stop in Brisbane, Australia

A lounge room made of a bus stop. Looks like some grandma decorated it.
Bus-Stop in Curitiba, Brasil

Such tubes are all over Curitiba, and the only way to get on and off buses is from inside these tubes.
Bus-Stop near Corinth Canal, Greece

Very poor bus-stop in Greece, someone even brought some chairs.
Bus-Stop in Stovring, Denmark

This one looks spacey and cosmic. It stands in Stovring, Denmark.
Bus-Stop in Scottsdale’s, Arizona, USA

It looks pretty neat. This is a new look of Scottsdale’s bus-stops, made of metal.
Bus-Stop in Changzhou, China

The best one, just a sign put in a pile of straw. No wonder why – it stands near a village, and creative villagers must have built it. If you zoom in, you see that it’s a “Coach Station”.
Bus-Stop in Yemin Orde, Israel

This one looks like from Flinstones. Only 2 seats

Bus-Stop in Australia, near Indian restaurant

I wonder if all the Bus-stops look like this one in India.
Bus-Stop in Kapan, Armenia

Strange bus-stop from the Soviet Era, pretty cool.
Bus-Stop in, Seattle, USA

This one has a really interesting mosaic, gives a cozy, happy feeling.
Bus-Stop in Salinas, Puerto Rico

I like it.
Bus-Stop in California, USA

A prize for the best bus-stop design goes to this one. “Created in 2002 by award-winning artist Dennis Oppenheim, the twisting and arching perforated steel structure depicts the metamorphosis of a bus becoming a house. Fans adore its whimsy and its one-of-a-kind appeal.”
Bus-Stop in Volgograd, Russia

A heritage from Soviet Era again, looks like a hat to me.
Bus-Stop in Wellington, New Zealand

A childish bus-stop with zoo animals. A good idea how to transform a boring bus-stop into something colorful and interesting.
Bus-Stop in Athens, Ga

Murat Gülmez
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